[Java] Multi-Dimension Arrays
The arrays you have been using so far have only held one column of data. But you can set up an array to hold more than one column. These are called multi-dimensional arrays. As an example, think of a spreadsheet with rows and columns. If you have 6 rows and 5 columns then your spreadsheet can hold 30 numbers. It might look like this: A multi dimensional array is one that can hold all the values above. You set them up like this: int[ ][ ] aryNumbers = new int[ 6 ][ 5 ]; They are set up in the same way as a normal array, except you have two sets of square brackets. The first set of square brackets is for the rows and the second set of square brackets is for the columns. In the above line of code, we're telling Java to set up an array with 6 rows and 5 columns. To hold values in a multi-dimensional array you have to take care to track the rows and columns. Here's some code to fill the first rows of numbers from our spreadsheet image: aryNu...