[iPhone] Apple Reveals Secrets Behind iPhone's Birth

secrets of apple

Bangalore: Apple, by going to a jury trial to defend the patents of its most prized products, is allowing its competitors and the public to see inside one of the most secretive companies in the world. By showing the public how it designs products that have changed the electronics industry twice, Apple has risked losing some of its secrecy.

During the patent trial with South Korean mobile maker Samsung, Apple's senior vice president, Scott Forstall, has recently revealed the secret behind the iOS user interface. He disclosed the hard work and innovation that went into developing it.

"The goal of an operating system is to run the entire machine, to drive the machine. We wanted an operating system that could last for another 20 years. The strategy was a modern operating system", he said.

Forstall, who is with Apple since 1997, revealed how Apple decided to start on the iPhone project. Forstall and his colleagues had thought, "I remember sitting with Steve and some others, and we all had cell phones and hated our cell phones. Could we use the technology we'd been using with touch and use that same technology to build a phone, something that could fit in your pocket, but give it all the same power we were looking at giving the tablet?"


The iPhone project was originally called "Purple Project," and even the engineers weren't told anything about what they had be working on, or who they had be working for, when they were recruited and the building used for iPhone development was called the "purple dorm".

"We put up a sign that said 'fight club', first rule of the Purple Project is you don't talk about Purple Project outside those doors," he said. The development of the onscreen keyboard was referred to as "a science project."

This is not the only case. On the first day of the trial, Christopher Stringer, long term industrial designer at Apple explained the process the company that goes through to create the prototypes for the Apple products.

Philip W Schiller, Apple's senior vice president for worldwide product marketing had also disclosed the company's advertising budgets which is more than $100 million a year for the iPhone alone.


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